
  • FF Sleeper Scripts link to github


    A collection of Node scripts that query the Sleeper Fantasy Football API and performs calculations and data aggregation to provide to the 10Guys1Cup Single Page App.

  • Fantasy Power Rankings link to github


    Now retired, this repo houses both a Single Page App and supporting Express server. Fantasy Football managers could log in and vote in a weekly poll to rank each team in the league.

  • 10guys1Cup Web link to github


    A very simple website built for my Fantasy Football league. Works in tandem with the FF Sleeper Scripts project to display data points about league performance in a data table.

  • Sleeper Data Scraper link to github


    An iteration on previous attempts to grather data from Sleeper's public API. The focus for this project is simplicity in turning API data into plain JSON files.

  • Dadbot Slack link to github


    When my Fantasy Football league was using Slack, I wrote this bot to store information for bets we make and rules we want to propose next year, as the free tier of slack will delete messages after an amount of time.

  • Bonus Round Brochure Website link to github


    A brochure-ware static website for the late Barcade Bonus Round, based in Phoenix, AZ. Dynamically fetches the beer list from TapHunter and displays it.

  • HeyParkerJ Frontend Boilerplate link to github


    I'm not a huge fan of everything you get when bootstrapping a project with Create-React-App, so I wrote and maintain my own minimal boilerplate for when I want to fire up a React project.

  • HeyParkerJ Nodejs boilerplate link to github


    My base boilerplate project for when I want to fire up a nodejs project.

  • Batch MegaDL link to github


    A very simple bash script to download a text file list of files with megatools.

  • Melee Video Sort link to github


    Someone on Reddit said "Sorting [the videos] into folders could be possible but is a lot of work, unless someone is down to write a script for it!". Needing something to do while washing down my coffee - I wrote that script.

  • Macro Calculator link to github


    After getting tired of online macro calculators, I wrote my own in an org-mode scratchpad to practice GOlang. I eventually broke that code out into this repo.

  • React Cards Component link to github


    One of the first things I wrote in React, this is a simple Material Design-type card component.

  • War (Card Game) link to github


    A terminal based Java implementation of the card game War.

  • Apartment Webscraper link to github


    Many years ago, I wanted to scrape the dynamic pricing of an apartment complex I was interested in living at to see if ceratin days/times were cheaper to sign the lease. This was my first and only Python project.

  • Dotfiles link to github


    My personal dotfiles. Emacs and Vim config, terminal, bash aliases, etc. Enables very quick setup of a new dev machine.

  • HeyParkerJ link to github


    This website! Primarily used to display personal projects and share some details about myself.